The iMapInvasives Network
The iMapInvasives Network is comprised of organizations that host the iMapInvasives database in their respective state or province. Each participating jurisdiction has a lead Data Administrator to manage the system, set user roles, define the jurisdiction tracked species list, and help users in their jurisdiction. All current iMapInvasives administrators are listed below. Access each administrator's contact information by clicking on their photo. For the jurisdictions with more than one person listed, the main contact person will have two stars surrounding their name (e.g. *Amy Jewitt*).
iMapInvasives Administrators are in constant discussion with one another and hold quarterly meetings to ensure the iMapInvasives platform is meeting the needs of its users. Administrators work with NatureServe to test and improve the system as well as propose enhancements and implement support tools such as the User Manual.
If you have general questions about iMapInvasives or are interested in hosting iMapInvasives in your state or province, please Contact Us.
Chad Hammer
New Brunswick
Kristin Elton